kedd, január 26, 2010

Like, one time we had period sex, and at some point he put his hand on the wall to steady himself. There was a bloody handprint on the wall until he moved out like 6 months later, and he washed it off after he moved all his shit out.

It was both hilariously disgusting, because it was fucking blood on the wall for god's sake, which is gross. But it was also kind of satisfying that he was like, "So? It's not like I eat off of my wall, nobody touches that wall except me when we're boning, and it's just a little blood. Who cares?" because such matter-of-factness about period blood was unexpected. Also every time I looked at it I was like, "Ah. Sex. Yes."

az időbeli egybeesés a menstruációm és a dolgok találása között csupán a véletlen műve. de tényleg.

(és ez egy komment volt itt.)

9:30 du. |