péntek, március 18, 2005

tudom, hogy uncsi az angol idézgetés a blogokban, de az alábbit nagyon érdemes elolvasni, már majdnem ott tartok, hogy jaaj, magyarországon akarok maradni, melankólikussá és szentimentálissá tesz budapesttel kapcsolatban.

I asked Z and A a "hypothetical" question. I said, "Suppose there's an American girl who wants to stay and work in Budapest. Let's just call her 'Audra.' Is this possible even though she's not an EU citizen?" They seemed to think that it was possible, and not inordinately difficult. I just can't see myself living in America again right now. It doesn't even feel like a discernment between like and dislike; it feels more like the difference between right and wrong for me. I don't know if I can leave here when the time comes. I am beginning to understand words, Hungarian words, and these words are beginning to sound like home.

7:31 du. |